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Wisdom Hunter

When every formula fails,
When being right no longer matters,
When the faith that once held all the answers
Now holds only questions,
This is where redemption begins.

Pastor Jason Faircloth knows what he believes. His clear faith, in fact, is why he is one of the most prominent pastors in Atlanta. He relies on it to discipline his daughter, his wife, his church. He prays daily that others would come to see God's ways as he does. And it will cost him everything he has.

What does it take to soften a heart so entrenched in law that it never truly loves?

Groping for answers in the face of tragedy, Jason determines to find the one person left who might provide healing: the granddaughter kept hidden from him. His search takes him on an international adventure - and deep into his tormented soul.

A fast-paced suspense novel rich in spiritual depth, Wisdom Hunter explores what it means to break free of Christian legalism and discover how grace can make the difference between life and death.

Wisdom Hunter

  • I read about 250 books each year, and Wisdom Hunter is the best I’ve read in ages. Not only does it tell a gripping story I could hardly put down, but along the way it blows the doors off ‘packaged’ Christianity. If you only read two books this year, make one the Bible - and the other Wisdom Hunter. - Paul Griffin, Senior Vice President, Multnomah Bible College

    I was told about Wisdom Hunter by Paul Overstreet. Now I’m telling all my friends. - Steven Curtis Chapman

    I can honestly say that, next to the Bible, Wisdom Hunter has been the most influential book that I have ever read. It is without a doubt the most devastating indictment I have ever read of the kind of Christianity that turns so many people away from Christ. I could not put it down the first time I read it and have read it twice since. I have told hundreds of people about the book. - Dr. Ben Gates, executive director, Greater Fort Wayne Campus Ministry at Indiana University -Purdue University

    I read Wisdom Hunter while working at a Christian bookstore. Once I began reading it, I could not put it down. I felt like I was reading my own life story. When I finished reading the book, I moved the display closer to the point of sale, kept a copy handy, and recommended it to every customer that visited our store. - Mark Silvers, director of mobilization, Cross World

    Wisdom Hunter and The Shack are for me two books that forever changed my life. - Bobby Dowde, founder and CEO,

    I first read Wisdom Hunter back in 1993 and it blew me away. I've read it multiple times since then and it is no exaggeration to say that its powerful message has not diminished. A true Christian fiction classic in every way. - Michael Janke

    Every pastor, elder, and deacon should read this book (if they can handle it). Go for it! Read it! I dare you to let it challenge you. - C.A.

    This fictional book will teach what thousands of sermons fail to achieve! A must read for all of us who want to do it right but fail to realize, we can do nothing without HIM! - D.L.

    I've read so many books lately that they've all seemed to kind of run into one. Shortly after reading one I loose some of the intricacies of the story. This book, was definitely not one of those. I was completely blown away by this story. I have already recommended this, and will be recommending it many times in the future. I normally will lend my books out to people, however I think this one will not leave my possession. I can see myself reading this many times over. - J.D.

    It is so refreshing to read a Christian fiction book that is not sugar coated. Randall Arthur puts his characters through the wringer. I love reading about real issues that happen in the lives of Christians, yes, even Pastors. - S.D.

    Wisdom Hunter is truly a great book that I can honestly say forever impacted my life. This adventurous novel brilliantly written by Randall Arthur is action packed and immediately draws you in from the beginning, as a good book should and then you find that you've arrived at the last page within a day or two. Wisdom Hunter will reach your mind and your heart! It truly is a powerful read and a heart changing experience. - L.D.

    Several pastors in the area 'took up the cause' of banning this book, admonishing (some demanding) that their congregations "would not under any circumstance read it, or else." It has been 17 years ago since I first read Wisdom Hunter. It has radically changed my life in the way that I pastor today. - J.S.

    I'm a seminary graduate, and I learned more theology about what the NT Church should look like from this entertaining book than all the courses I ever took. I don't want to give away the end, but the main character stumbles across a small church in the Norse Countries, which is the most encouraging model of NT leadership I've ever seen. I would give this book to all seminary students and pastors as their first book on church structure. - Jefferis Peterson,

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